Emergency Newsletter – ‘The Truth Hurts’

So….. A mid-week newsletter.

I know, I know, I know… This was not the plan at all. I hear you.

I’m just as surprised as you.

Not because it’s not a good idea, no, not at all.

I mean, with where I’m at on this new journey of writing, the more I can do, the better. I know that.

It’s the only way to improve, right?

Committing to the mission, showing up, applying myself daily, I mean, it’s basically the approach I take with everything.

My writing schedule is simple –




That’s it. Haha.

I was actually saying to a student just yesterday, I’m VERY basic. Because I am.

All I know, is how to show up daily. That’s it. It’s a muscle I’ve worked a lot.

But it’s funny, now that I think about it, and as I write this here, in that simplicity, I’m realising it’s actually the HARDEST thing of all, too.

That’s such a crazy, but interesting dichotomy to me.

It’s extremely basic, but at the same time, extremely complex.

Showing up daily for ANYTHING, whether you love it or not, is by far one of the hardest things we can do in life.

And I know you know what I’m talking about.

But what I really mean in this intro here, is I really didn’t think I had the capacity to actually write two newsletters in one week.  

Let’s be honest, that’s a whole lot of words! 

But here we find ourselves. And because it had to be done.

So, why the surprise visit, you ask?

Well, I’ve been inundated with questions about my 30-Day MasterMind Drummer Coaching Program, to which I’ve been replying, but so much so, that I felt compelled to hit you with an impromptu mid-week newsletter, just to help cover my bases.

So, let’s just get straight to it here, and dive into something real and raw, something that I’ve titled –

The Truth Hurts


Over the years, through endless hours of obsessing over this instrument, through my journey with teaching, and through my attempt at trying to live life to the fullest, I’ve discovered some uncomfortable truths.

Through the awareness of my own shortcomings, I’ve dug deep, I’ve researched, and have experimented A LOT, to find the essence of what it takes to truly excel – both on the drums, and off them, too.

Why both? Well, because to me, they are one and the same. Plain and simple. You want one? You need that other.

And you know what? Even through all that ‘research’, the biggest revelation hit me right in the guts of my own experiences.

Here’s the deal – now you’ve probably already noticed a consistent theme in these newsletters, but here we go anyway, the biggest thing holding you back isn’t your hectic life or some mythical lack of talent. Its not.

It’s… well, it’s YOU.

Yep, I said it. And I can say it confidently because I’ve been there too, in those shoes, thinking about that exact same thing.

But here’s the thing – every single one of us has ‘it’. That fire, that potential to excel.  Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading these newsletters in the first place.

You’re curious. And that’s the key.

It’s not about being born with some god-given talent where the sticks were magically in your hands from day 1. (Although that would’ve been great!)

It’s about one thing, and one thing only.

It’s about the willingness to show up, day in and day out, even when it’s the last thing you feel like doing.

It’s about moving your feelings to one side, just for now, and showing up, DAILY.




That is it.

And THAT’S where my 30-Day MasterMind Drummer Coaching Program comes into play.

This program was birthed out of realising it’s NOT the drum curriculum that’s holding people back.

I’ve said this before, but drum curriculum hasn’t changed much in last 100 years.

Sure, everyone has their niche, and I’ve certainly got what I consider my favourites that I teach, concepts that I call ‘high-value ticket items’, but it’s not just the information that’s preventing you from going Super Saiyan 4.

It’s you.

And for the last 15 years I’ve gone down rabbit hole after rabbit hole, searching for ways to help me show up daily and improve in what I now call the ‘5 pillars of life’. They are –






These categories popped into my head while running – like most things I come up with.

There is something about the power of blood flow, oxygen through the system, dopamine, adrenaline, and oxytocin, that just gets my brain working overtime, and firing on all cylinders.

I love it.

I figure out ALL of lifes questions while running.

Runners-high is a very real thing.

When these categories popped in my head, I was looking for a simple way to think about and approach the complexity of MY life.

Turning macro, into micro, and then making sense of it all.

You know what I mean.

Work, family responsibilities, daily pressures, mental and physical health – man, life is so demanding at times, and can be extremely complex.

And what was interesting, is, alongside my personal journey, all this stuff was coming up in my lessons too. Time and time again, I was spending time with my students, helping them get a little more organised off the kit, just as much as on it, too.

And that’s what I’m getting at here.

Now, I’m aware this could’ve very well been a ‘chicken or the egg’, sort’ve situation, as people know full well how I live my life. I share my journey online. I’m transparent.

I share my interests, my processes, and my journey, so, maybe that attracts people that resonate with that same approach, or at the very least are attracted to it?

What I’ve found though, is EVERY goal falls into one of those categories I mentioned, and sometimes bleeds into more than one of them, too.

Have a think right now, and tell me if any of your current goals DOES NOT fall into one of those?

I highly doubt it.

I truly think about these categories every single day. It’s my duty.

I actually have a ‘goal card’ in my wallet – (yes, a physical card that I wrote out), and every time I go into my wallet, I see it, and instantly think about these 5 pillars of life, and what they mean to me.

This subtle reminder keeps me in check, and pumped up to keep showing up daily.


So how does my 30-Day Coaching Program fit into this?

Well, it’s a deep dive into these things, alongside my drum curriculum.

It’s about breaking down those mental barriers, honing discipline, and at the same time, lighting up your creativity.

It’s about instilling habits that transcend beyond the drum kit and into every facet of your life, which, in turn, actually makes you a better drummer!!! It’s an amazing process, and really works.

That’s what we’re aiming for.

And if you’re wrestling with those doubts, wondering if you can really pull this off, let me throw this at you – what’s the price of staying put? Of knowing deep down you’ve got so much to give, but never stepping up to the plate?

Jim Rohn famously said “the attempt may cost you, sure. But NOT trying? That cost is MUCH higher”

I love that line.

So, in a nutshell, the 30-Day MasterMind Drummer Coaching Program is a program I designed specifically for people wanting to level up on AND off the kit. It’s a physical and mental reset of sorts.

These are two areas I now have a lot of experience in, and love sharing with people.

At the start of each week, I do a group Live Lesson, from 90–120 minutes long. We work through –

Wk 1 – Mechanics Reset : Master Double Stroke, as well as other key mechanics to help build greater – dynamics, control, articulation, and expression.

Wk 2 – Applied Mechanics & practical patterns : A systematic approach to improved hand control

Wk 3 – Single Kick Development : A conversation between the hands and feet

Wk 4 – Creativity, Facility, & Voice : A conceptual way of developing your freedom and facility around the kit.

Alongside every lesson, we also focus on an element of personal development and growth, from one of those 5 pillars I mentioned.

I do a deep dive into these topics, offering actionable and practical tips, tricks and strategies, to help you level up.

Being consistent is key, so I also provide weekly book and audio recommendations, to help keep you in the ‘zone’.

Life is full of distractions, so it’s up to us to counter those distractions by keeping our blinkers up and keeping our eyes on the prize.

You will get access to all 4 Live Lessons and all resources & references in your own members login area, at MasterMindDrummer.com, after each lesson takes place.

This cohort has a private Facebook group, where I will be active daily, offering full support and accountability, as well as holding live ‘guided practice sessions’ throughout the week too, going over the specific lesson materials for that week.

Spots for the March 30-Day MMD Coaching Program have already started selling, and at $297US, but TBH, this will be the last time at this rate, due to how much I’m putting in to it.

I care about this a lot, and truly know I can help people, so I’m going all in. I am bringing as much value as humanly possible, making sure I overdeliver in ALL areas.

We are into Week 3 of January’s 30-day Coaching Program, and everyone is having an absolute blast, and getting some amazing results! This is very rewarding for me, as I knew the potential of this program from the moment I started putting it together.

So, if you’re feeling that stir inside, that little voice saying, “It’s time,” then let’s do this. Let’s make 2024 the year you break through to your true potential. I know I can help you get there.

You can secure your spot HERE

But, understand, firstly, this requires being honest with yourself, and taking full responsibility for your life. It’s about knowing it all starts and ends with you.

The Truth Hurts

As I say to all my students –

“If you show up for you, I’ll show up for you”.

For now, stay hungry, and catch you next week!



My new course, The Key To Double Stroke Mastery has dropped! This is a ‘no-fluff’ and ‘straight to the point’ course, showing you the correct mechanics required for world-class Double Stroke.