Newsletter #11 – To be better, you need to do better!

To be better, you need to do better!

I’ve mentioned this before, but when I exercise, it puts my body and mind into a sort of state that it seems like it’s ready to receive information.

Here’s what I ‘received’ recently, while running –

‘Your current self is a result of all your past choices.

Your future self is a result of all your current choices.

Choose consciously, and carefully.’

I really like this, and I’ll dig into it more shortly. Just hold tight.

First, back to this whole ‘receiving’ information from running thing that I mentioned. Look, I use the term ‘receiving’ very loosely, but in all honesty, it’s how I feel.

That’s the only way I can describe it.

Do I mean there is some sort of Devine power bestowing me with information? As a reward for my efforts?

Maybe. I’m not sure. Is that such a crazy idea?

There are people that discuss this theory.

One of those people is author Napoleon Hill. He talks about ‘infinite intelligence’.

I love that term, and I’ll explain why in just a second.

Napolean is a controversial figure, essentially because he had big ideas. Big ideas tend to weed out the people who don’t have big ideas, and feel threatened by them. They then feel the need to push back.

Basically, his position is acknowledging that a higher power exists, and trusting that all ideas that have been, and ever will be, already exist out in the ether.

It’s just whether we are open to them, to receive them.

Think of it like 1000s upon 1000s of frequency bands running above our heads, and when we are open to it, one of those bands momentarily connects with our brain, and BOOM, an idea has formed – or in other words, it has been ‘received’.

There is a simple elegance to this premise that I really like.

It removes the feeling of uncertainty in life by offering the idea that if you just start showing up for life, life will start showing up for you.

And that’s something I can manage, and an idea I heavily resonate with.

Now, with some of this stuff, there is an element of blind faith that goes along with it, but to be honest, blind faith is just another way of saying ‘trusting the process’, and is something we all do in our day-to-day lives, already.

Something as simple as working on a new sticking you’ve never come across before has an element of blind faith to it, as we really don’t know whether we’ll actually get it or not, but we trust the process, and in most cases reap the rewards.

And just to touch on the term ‘infinite intelligence’ quickly, the reason why I like this is it offers an alternative to the traditional understanding of a higher power or belief in something greater than us.

I’ve said this before, I’m not religious, but I am spiritual, and I think we all are to a degree.

BUT, all that said, I’m actually more a data person, believe it or not, so for now, let’s just keep it there, aye?

So, if we are looking at the data and science when it comes to exercise, it’s purely the act of getting the heart rate up and the blood pumping, which fires the brain up, and in turn creates dopamine and oxytocin, as well as purging toxins etc.

All this puts the body and mind in a much better state for new ideas to form.

But how?

Well, in recent years, scientists have found that exercise promotes neurogenesis, which is the birth of new brain cells.

This is essential to improve cognitive function.

Madness, right?

The act of exercise actually strengthens the brain’s capacity to generate new thoughts and ideas.

So running actually makes you smarter!

I knew it! 😉

It comes down to the hippocampus, a small seahorse-shaped part of the brain devoted to things such as memory formation, storage, and regulating your emotions.

The last one is VERY important – regulating emotions.

We make way too many decisions based on the lack of being able to control our emotions (or feelings).

How many times have you reacted emotionally, and in a way where it maybe wasn’t the greatest outcome for you, or anyone that unfortunately happened to be involved?

Thought so. You should work on that… We all should, haha.

So, in my opinion, that reason alone is a good enough excuse to exercise regularly. Getting on top of those emotions that cause you to make decisions that don’t really benefit you.

Another massive game-changer benefit is it also heavily improves the health and function of the synapses between neurons in this region, allowing brain cells to better communicate.

This just all means that not only are you generating NEW brain cells, but you’re also helping your brain cells fire a lot quicker.

In short, if you exercise, you are FULL BRAIN SMART PANTS.

I mean, I knew this, the proof is in the pudding, right? But it’s nice to be backed up with some good ol’ fashioned data.

So, going back to what I said at the top of this –

‘Your current self is a result of all your past choices.

Your future self is a result of all your current choices.

Choose consciously, and carefully.’

When you read that carefully, it’s really just talking about personal accountability.

It’s the simple stuff, but the heavy stuff, right? And I know you’re here for it.

I enjoy spending time thinking about things like that. They are what I consider ‘high impact’, and can potentially create massive change for those who engage, which to be honest, is ultimately what the point of these newsletters is.

I’m sharing with you ways to hopefully create a mindset shift, to help show up a little more on and off the kit.

Now, with these type of conversations, there is always going to be an undercurrent of ‘who the hell am I? What gives me the right?’

Fair questions, and I’ll get to them in a second.

I just wanted to take a moment to touch on this…

I wanted to say thanks for all the positive feedback on last week’s newsletter in particular. It seemed to resonate with quite a lot of you.

That makes me very happy.

I enjoy reading all your emails, and really appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and experiences with me.

Writing is a new-found interest, and I’m now seeing that it’s starting to resonate with some of you, too!

What a great outcome.

Write daily gratitude’s, jot ideas down in your notes, journal regularly, reply to these newsletters with lengthy replies. Do all of it.

Just get those thoughts out! That’s the point.

It’s incredibly cathartic.



So, yes, these newsletters hopefully create some sort of change.

BUT! With all that said, some of these heavy ‘life’ topics I’m diving into, can really trigger some folks.

And how do I know this?

Well… ummm… because you tell me. Ha.

That’s sort of path of the course when you put your opinion out there. I get it, and I’m use to it.

Much like I mentioned earlier with author Napolian Hill, it’s the big ideas that run the risk of challenging someone’s beliefs, not so much the little ones.

You put your flag in the sand on a certain subject, letting it be known that this is your position, and if that position conflicts with someone elses, let’s say, ‘personal philosophy’, then often they let you know about it.

When you challenge someone’s own personal philosophy, even if not directly, it can still feel like an attack.

But it’s not. It is just opinions searching for their audience. That’s all. I repeat, it’s just opinions searching for their audience.

Heavier topics create heavier discourse.

And that’s ok.

Not only is it ok, but it is actually super important.

I welcome it.

Healthy discourse creates one of two outcomes –

1. You change your position

2. You don’t change your position

But let’s be honest here, it’s not often #2.

Tell me how many people you know that enter a conversation to be proven wrong? Exactly.

Some of my biggest jumps I’ve made personally have come from push back on an opinion I’ve had on a certain subject.

Do you think that’s because it made me rethink my position?

No. Quite the opposite.

Often it actually helps me double-down even more.

I find when someone disagrees with you, and then lets it be known, one of the potential wins here is it can help galvanize your position even more by bringing to light elements of your position you hadn’t even considered yet.


Being on social media for as long as I have, and as exposed as I have been, I’ve had a lot of push back, and that push back has helped me refine my position and dial in my thoughts even more.

I can think of one amazing example of this in particular, involving Mr. ‘relax your tongue’ Dave Elitch, but I’ll save that doozy-of-a-story for another day.

So the point is, I always welcome discourse, whether it’s in agreement or not.

I’d much rather you have an opinion, and passionately disagree with me, than not have one at all.

Fancy not having an opinion or belief in something?

You need to know how you feel about things.

You have to have a personal philosophy.

You have to stand for something.

You have to know where you sit in the world, and know your personal truth on any given subject.

What do you stand for?

Have a think about that.

What is important to you, as a sort of code of conduct?

Do you even have a code of conduct?

Or do you float around in this world not really considering what you stand for and represent?

Stoic Philosophy is a great tool in this case.

It’s anchored on the 4 virtues –





I mean, what a package, right?

These 4 virtues cover A LOT of bases to build your life from, and I’m here for all of it.

You could argue that last week’s newsletter focused on the first Virtue – Courage.

Having the courage to promote yourself more by sharing your playing online, and even at the inevitable risk of being judged by others.

Because, remember what I said? ‘They don’t have to like you’.


This week though, it focuses more on the second Virtue – Discipline.

To quote Jocko Willink – Disciple = Freedom.

You do understand that, right?

I mean, it’s how you acquired your current skills on the drums, through the act of discipline.

By showing up and doing the work.

So let’s dive in on that premise a little more.

In simple terms, the player you are now, is just a result of the work you’ve put in so far.


Let’s take it a step further (tentatively), and see how it resonates…

Your current life situation is a result of all the decisions you have made prior to this very moment.

Ouch or yay?

That could be a tough one, and I’m sure it’s already ruffled a few feathers, right here now.

Good. As it should. Feel it. Sit in it, and if it triggers you, that’s OK.

Now, you can relate this exclusively to drumming – so the current status of your playing, OR, you can take it a step further and relate it to your life (which I highly recommend).

It is a simple yet powerful sentiment that is anchored on the idea of personal accountability.

It comes back to one of my mantras that I’ve mentioned here before – Your life, your responsibility.

I love breaking things down to these basics.

We tend to busy ourselves by over complicating things, so this approach cuts out a lot of the noise and clutter that gets in the way of just simply taking action.

You know what I mean, right? You have an idea regarding something you want to implement now in your life, but end up just sitting on it, rather than taking action on it.

Well, guess what, we all have ideas, but the secret sauce to achieving them is simply going one step further – acting on them.

That’s it.

Personal accountability is like a tough steak…

It’s protein, so we know we need it, and know it’s good for us, but be that as it may, it’s extremely hard to chew and swallow.

Often, people find black and white statements like this extremely confronting.

Generally, because people like to complain about their situation or circumstance, rather than taking ownership of it and potentially doing something about it.

The criticisms I get when I make these sort of bold statements is usually that it is ‘not nuanced enough’.

Everything has nuance, of course, but it doesn’t change the fact that your current situation on the kit (and in life), is 100% a result of the work you’ve been willing to put in so far.

How does that statement make you feel?

Good I hope.

Remember, that’s the point.

Simply trying to drill in the idea that you are responsible for your life and your personal progress on and off the kit.

And although your current self is a result of all your past choices, your future self is simply a result of all your current choices.

So just choose carefully, choose consciously, and steer that ship in the direction you ACTUALLY want it to go.

You’re in control here.

Couple that with a little focus on these key pillars of life –






And you are away laughing.

Our hours, days, weeks, months, and years, are made up of many small decisions.

Chip away at a bit of everything, at all times, one piece at a time, and remember –

To be better, all you need to do, is do better. Easy-peasy.

I always appreciate your feedback, so feel free to send any of your thoughts through.

Stay Hungry, see you next week.



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PPS. Are you having trouble staying on the path you TRULY want to be on, (on AND off the kit), and are wanting to level up?

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The May intake is now open. Click HERE to secure your spot.

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