Newsletter #27 – The Path To Going Pro… #resultsguaranteed

It’s a bold statement, but as you probably have come to realise by now, that’s just how I like it. Big and bold!


Before we dive into this week’s topic, I should explain how I got here.


Well, to kick off, and coming out of the Georgia Lines run I just did, I am now back into the drum clinic frame of mind.


I now currently have 3 drum clinics confirmed, with more about to go live.


I have Auckland next week, on Wednesday, then Wanaka the week after (which I am tagging on to the start of the Black Comet Tour), and I have just confirmed Hamilton also, for the 25th of July.


I have a couple more cities to confirm here in NZ, which are about to go live, as well as locking in Melbourne and Sydney in September, and am even in discussions with the UK, for October/November!


I am very happy about this as I put a lot of time into the MasterMind Drummer Clinic concept, and feel it has a lot to offer.



So, I have been going back over the 7 tracks I perform throughout the clinic, dialing them all back in, as well as visualizing being back on stage and presenting the information in between the tracks.


I’ve mentioned this before, but I do a lot of visualization with things like this, as it’s the only way you can sort of rehearse the environmental change of being up there, in front of those people.


I do not get nervous about things like this anymore, and that just comes down to knowing the material, and knowing the concept in and out, and knowing my voice, to the point where it is all just second nature.


Don’t forget, PREPARATION is KING!




So, what led to this week’s topic, and got me thinking about the idea of ‘going pro’, is that I received an email this week, from a very well-known international artist.


She was reaching out as she is here at the end of the year, for a couple of shows in Nz and Australia, and was asking if I was available for them.


(I won’t say who it is just yet, but just know, her biggest song on Spotify has 1 Billion plays)


Anyway, I told her, yes, I am available (well I may have one date that sort’ve clashes, but I am moving forward with this regardless), and it got me thinking about how these opportunities keep popping up.


Not only do they keep popping up, but I’ll be honest, I actually know they’re going to keep popping up. At this point, I expect it.


So, although it puts a smile on my face when my ‘friend’ opportunity comes knocking on my door, I am never actually that surprised anymore.


Now, I need to be careful here, as that last line could definitely come off as arrogance, but it’s not, I promise you, it’s merely being at complete peace with the process, my craft, and my journey on this instrument. Thats it. Just bear with me…


So, how do I know that opportunity will come knocking? How can I be so sure?


Well, it’s the same as knowing the exact path to ‘going pro’. Which I will share with you now.


Are you ready? The big revelation? Here we go…


Going pro is simply the result/by-product of showing up for yourself, daily, on and off the kit. Thats it. It’s the only outcome that can come of those two things combined.


I will say too…


Do I expect it? Yes.


But am I owed it? No. Not at all.


I am not owed anything from this instrument, and neither are you. No one is.


I removed the idea of being owed anything from my drumming a long time ago. And guess what, the second I did… Liberation!!!


I actually think this is where A LOT of creatives get it wrong in their journey. They come from a place of feeling as though they are owed something from their journey, just because they happen to have a set of sticks in their hand, And ALL their energy comes from that place.


If this is you, you need to address this NOW, as it is certainly holding you back.


Understand that when your energy comes from a place of being ‘owed’ something, it’s not only stifling, but it’s actually a repellent to ALL potential opportunities that COULD come your way.


This stuff looks great, but trust me, you do not want it sprayed on you. Not one bit!


So, back to focusing on what truly matters.



I remember many, many years ago, in my mid-late twenties, due to my life circumstances, I had ended up in a place where, once again, practice was king. It had to be.


I had to make some hard but necessary decisions that moved my responsibilities to the absolute forefront of my life, in place of more single-focused experiences and opportunities that were starting to present themselves, via my drumming.


Now, at the time, I’ll be honest, it took some adjusting to get to a true place of contentment, but I did get there. And how? Well, it’s called being an adult. It just how it had to be that way. I had bigger responsibilities than myself, and I just needed to suck it up, step up, and make the most of it. So I did, and with a smile on my face.


I am a ‘one-path’ kind of guy, and this was my path.


The beauty of seeing the world through this ‘one-path’ lens, is that you do not live in a world of regret, not for one second, and not for anything, as its the only way. And as a now 40yr old, I can truly say that I have no regrets about anything in my life.


Have I made mistakes? Of course, a bunch! But they just became lessons along the way, and I’d say necessary ones, too.


Anyway, so at that time I took all my drum energy and simply applied it to my practice, and outside of that, I kept working on myself – specifically health, wellbeing, and mindset.


I kept things simple, and it was in that process, that combination of things, that two things happened…


1. I came to the amazingly liberating realisation that…




2. The more I focused on myself and my craft, over time, the more I was presented with more and more pro opportunities.


Remember, like I said, just because you have a set of sticks in your hands, and can play a beat, does NOT mean you are owed anything from it.


If anything, it’s quite the opposite… It’s actually YOU that owes yourself and your craft something.


You have to understand, you have been given something unique here. You’ve been given the gift of joy for this instrument. You’ve been given the gift of the desire to play the drums.


No one is sure why exactly, but you have. So you need to go deep. You basically owe it to yourself to become the best goddam player you can, and in the very brief time you have here on this planet.


Otherwise, what’s the point, right? To be average? No.


You’re better than that. That’s why you’re here. That’s why we are here together. To be better than that.


The thing is, when you put the pursuit of the craft at the forefront, coupled with the development of yourself, you truly don’t have to worry about anything else, you can just let the chips fall as they may.


You no longer have to worry about opportunity, and about things like ‘going pro’.


Why? Because the reality is, as long as you keep showing up daily, on and off the drums, and with true conviction, the rest will actually sort itself out. The universe is weird like that.


Pay, and you shall receive…


You really need to understand this.


All opportunities are merely a by-product of the time invested.


Input = Output


Make payment to the ‘creative gods’ in the time you apply to the drums, and with focused development of yourself, and you will be rewarded with opportunity. You can actually expect it. There is no other possible outcome.


All I am ever focused on, is showing up daily for


A. Myself

B. My craft


Thats it.


Your two biggest ‘needle movers’ are your attention, and your intention, so focus, and do it with the absolute best intention. The rest will sort itself out. It has to. It’s the only way.


That really is…


The Path To Going Pro.


Let’s leave it there this week, as I feel I am getting a little ‘ranty’ now. I think you get the point 😉


As always, thanks for taking the time, and thanks for all your feedback, too. I really appreciate it.


I read them all. So please, if you have any thoughts, send them through, and let’s get a dialogue happening.


Don’t forget… Stay hungry! See you next week.



